michael allen coaching, Renewed Parenting & Reunification Coaching, high road to reunification, conscious coparenting, erasing family, #erased, family bridges, dr warshak, dr childress, dorcy pruter, rebecca bailey, randy rand, dr gardner, parental alienation, reunification scam, William Bernet, M.D., President Abe Worenklein, Ph.D., Secretary Demosthenes Lorandos, Ph.D., J.D., Amy J. L. Baker, Ph.D. J. Michael Bone, Ph.D. Wilfrid von Boch-Galhau, M.D. Lena Hellblom Sjögren, Ph.D. , Howie Dennison, family connections workshop

High Road to Reunification

Much More Information coming soon.  In the meantime please see these articles about REunification programs

in the WAShington Post

In the Huffington Post